This one is just silly. It is a work in progress and should be much more entertaining when I'm finished with it. The title? "Tuba or not Tuba; that is a Sousaphone." Unless you're a former band geek or a musician (like me), the title won't make sense. I've got another band one in progress but I haven't decided how to make it interesting yet.
I'm a firm believer in making ATCs as interesting on the back as they are on the front. Hopefully I've succeeded! Well, I've succeeded in amusing myself, anyway.
I thought the juxtaposition of the very tough-looking Sumo wrestler looked funny along with all of those girly stickers.
Even though the image is somewhat of an overdone thing (not that Teesha Moore is responsible for everyone who emulates her art and buys her collage sheets), I like how it turned out. Walnut ink is just the greatest stuff. I mixed dirt with glue on the bottom left of the front. I was kind, though -- no butterfly wings, dunce caps, or crowns were used in the making of these ATCs.
Also, my scanning skills clearly need brushing up!! It's a new scanner and the cards are kind of thick. Note to self: run these through Picasa next time before posting them.
So those are my recent accomplishments. I guess I should get myself back to work on more -- I am sadly out of practice!